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Pennumart Group

Público·119 miembros

The Lawless Land In Italian __LINK__ Free Download

Influenced by Old West culture, this typeface has a rugged yet elegant look and feel. It has multilingual support and comes with eight font styles, alternate alphabet form, numerals, and uppercase and lowercase glyphs. You can download the Bonaparte regular weight font for free and use it in personal and commercial projects for branding, packaging, invitations, and more.

The Lawless Land in italian free download

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The Brotherland font is inspired by American vintage typography and has four different styles and alternate characters. It comes with a complete set of glyphs, numerals, and punctuation marks. The free version can be used in personal projects.

From October 5 to 18, there will be symposia, workshops, lectures and participatory events on all sorts of commons-related topics. There will be events to showcase free and open source software, community gardens, participatory mapping projects, seed-sharing, open scientific knowledge, renewable energy co-operatives, land trusts and even a Creative Commons-licensed musical. The hundreds of festival events will help introduce the commons to the general public and demonstrate to current commoners just how large, diverse and exciting the world of collaborative provisioning truly is.

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