Minecraft Blue Angel Texture Pack
Minecraft Blue Angel Texture Pack >> https://blltly.com/2th22x
Minecraft Blue Angel Texture Pack
I have a frustrating, though not game breaking glitch. My armor bar is overlapped by my health bar and i noticed its only with origin v5 installed. Will you be able to fix this soon its just a wee bit frustrating not being able to see my armor and since i use a texture pack, the hearts don't change like they should. It also occurs sans texture pack.
Edit: After some extra testing, the server crashes only when right clicking on a Weeping Angel. Shows its only affecting the right click, pickaxe kills are fine but right clicking them to damage them seems to bug out the angels in many ways. Left click actions appear to function correctly. Eg. using a packaxe can kill them per usual without causing the server to crash. 153554b96e