Palisade @RISK 5.7: 14 Reasons to Upgrade
Palisade @RISK is a powerful software for risk analysis and decision making using Monte Carlo simulation. It integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Excel and allows you to model uncertainty in your spreadsheet models. Whether you are in finance, engineering, project management, or any other field that involves risk and uncertainty, @RISK can help you make better decisions.
If you are already using @RISK, you might be wondering why you should upgrade to the latest version, 5.7. In this article, we will give you 14 reasons why upgrading to @RISK 5.7 is worth it.
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Improved performance and stability. @RISK 5.7 has been optimized to run faster and more reliably than ever before. It can handle larger and more complex models with ease, and it has better compatibility with Excel 2010 and Windows 7.
New distribution functions. @RISK 5.7 adds six new probability distribution functions to its already extensive library of over 60 distributions. These include the Beta Generalized, Burr, Inverse Gaussian, Johnson SB, Kumaraswamy, and Pareto II distributions. These new distributions can help you model a wider range of phenomena and scenarios.
New correlation functions. @RISK 5.7 introduces two new correlation functions: Rank Order Correlation and Copulas. Rank Order Correlation allows you to specify the correlation between two or more variables based on their ranks rather than their values. Copulas allow you to specify the correlation between two or more variables based on their marginal distributions rather than their joint distribution. These new functions can help you model more realistic dependencies and interactions among variables.
New graphing features. @RISK 5.7 enhances its graphing capabilities with several new features, such as the ability to display multiple graphs in a single window, the ability to customize the appearance of graphs, the ability to export graphs to PowerPoint or PDF, and the ability to create spider charts. These new features can help you visualize and communicate your results more effectively.
New sensitivity analysis features. @RISK 5.7 improves its sensitivity analysis tools with several new features, such as the ability to perform tornado analysis on multiple outputs simultaneously, the ability to perform spider analysis on multiple inputs simultaneously, the ability to perform regression analysis on multiple outputs simultaneously, and the ability to perform stepwise regression analysis. These new features can help you identify and quantify the most important factors affecting your outcomes.
New scenario analysis features. @RISK 5.7 expands its scenario analysis tools with several new features, such as the ability to create scenarios based on percentiles or values of inputs or outputs, the ability to compare scenarios using graphs or tables, the ability to save scenarios for future use, and the ability to export scenarios to Excel or PDF. These new features can help you explore and compare different possible outcomes and assumptions.
New reporting features. @RISK 5.7 enhances its reporting capabilities with several new features, such as the ability to create reports based on multiple outputs or scenarios, the ability to customize the content and format of reports, the ability to export reports to Excel or PDF, and the ability to create summary reports. These new features can help you document and share your findings more easily.
New data analysis features. @RISK 5.7 adds new data analysis tools that can help you prepare your data for modeling and simulation. These include the Data Viewer, which allows you to view and edit your data in a spreadsheet-like interface; the Data Filter, which allows you to filter your data based on criteria; the Data Summary, which allows you to calculate summary statistics for your data; and the Data Fit, which allows you to fit distributions to your data using various methods.
New optimization features. @RISK 5.7 integrates with Palisade's RISKOptimizer tool, which allows you to optimize your model by finding the best combination of input values that maximize or minimize your output value. RISKOptimizer combines simulation with genetic algorithms or linear programming techniques to find optimal solutions under uncertainty.
New project management features. @RISK 5.7 integrates with Palisade's @RISK for Project tool, which allows you to perform risk analysis and decision making for project management. @RISK for Project allows you to import project schedules from Microsoft Project or Excel, assign uncertainty to task durations and costs, run Monte Carlo simulations to estimate project outcomes, and perform sensitivity and scenario analysis to identify and manage project risks.
New Six Sigma features. @RISK 5.7 integrates with Palisade's @RISK for Six Sigma tool, which allows you to perform risk analysis and decision making for Six Sigma quality improvement. @RISK for Six Sigma allows you to define your process variables and outputs, assign uncertainty and distributions to them, run Monte Carlo simulations to estimate process performance, and perform sensitivity and scenario analysis to identify and control process variation.
New neural network features. @RISK 5.7 integrates with Palisade's NeuralTools tool, which allows you to perform predictive analytics using artificial neural networks. NeuralTools allows you to train neural networks on your data, use them to make predictions for new data, and perform sensitivity analysis to understand how the inputs affect the outputs.
New statistical analysis features. @RISK 5.7 integrates with Palisade's StatTools tool, which allows you to perform statistical analysis and hypothesis testing on your data. StatTools allows you to perform various statistical tests, such as t-tests, ANOVA, chi-square tests, correlation tests, regression tests, and more.
New decision analysis features. @RISK 5.7 integrates with Palisade's PrecisionTree tool, which allows you to perform decision analysis using decision trees and influence diagrams. PrecisionTree allows you to model complex decisions involving multiple choices, uncertain outcomes, and variable payoffs, and find the optimal decision strategy.
As you can see, @RISK 5.7 offers many new and improved features that can help you take your risk analysis and decision making to the next level. If you are interested in upgrading to @RISK 5.7, you can download a free trial from Palisade's website or contact them for more information.